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4 Tips for Boosting Your Corporate Social Media Audience

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As businesses grow, their social media needs change and evolve. If you’re looking to expand your corporate social media capabilities, here are four ways that are discussed below. You can create a vlog, a podcast, content marketing materials, or repurpose popular blog articles. Whatever route you choose, make sure it fits your business’s unique needs and goals. With the right tools and techniques in place, you can reach a whole new level of success on social media.

Create a vlog

Nearly half of all internet users watch videos online every day. If you’re not using vlogging as part of your social media marketing strategy, you’re missing out on a powerful way to reach and engage with potential customers.

Although technically, a vlog is a personal blog, you can use it for corporate marketing with a spokesperson.

You can create a vlog to give your fans and followers a more personal look at the inner workings of your company.

Vlogs allow you to share the latest news and updates about your company and industry and also let you share humanizing stories behind some of your products or services.

Vlogs are also relatable and easy to follow, making them perfect for social media. Before starting vlogging, make sure you’re in the right mindset and have your equipment ready.

A company vlog works best when hosted by a person who can speak directly to consumers. Vlogs should feel like an intimate and candid conversation between blogger and viewer, so make sure you’re relaxed and conversational. Stick to a schedule for your vlog posts, or release them as newsworthy events. In many cities, a commercial video production company can create these videos for you.

Remember that your vlog is a chance to give viewers helpful information about your products and services while also providing entertainment.

Start a Podcast

Now that almost everyone has a smartphone with a built-in microphone, podcasting is easier than ever. And it can be a great way to expand your social media reach. A well-produced podcast can help you build relationships with customers and prospects and even establish yourself as an authority in your field. But before you start recording, there are a few things to keep in mind. You would need some equipment, a script, and an outline of what you will say in the podcast. Podcasting may help you connect with communities that are interested in learning more about your firm, staying up to date on industry developments, or getting helpful guidance.

A corporate podcast does not need to be limited to the product or its customers. A podcast can establish a dialogue with the listener and help establish credibility. It can also present new ideas from diverse fields.

Content marketing videos

Think video content is just for entertainment? Think again. Innovative and well-done videos can help attract new customers and lead to your business. If you’re looking to create engaging content that attracts a larger audience, consider making marketing videos. Using video can communicate your message in an attractive and visually appealing way. Not only are videos popular with viewers, but you can also share them easily on social media. You can use video content to reach a wider audience and boost your brand’s visibility with the right strategy. Plus, with various video hosting platforms available, you can easily repurpose your marketing videos for different social media channels.

Repurpose Your Evergreen Articles

As someone in communication, you know the importance of keeping your content fresh. However, you may also be familiar with the challenge of finding time to produce new content regularly. One solution is to update and repurpose your evergreen articles.

By definition, “evergreen” content is relevant and valuable at any time. While it’s always essential to ensure that your information remains accurate, there are many ways to give old content a new spin – making it more appealing to readers and helping you reach different audiences.

You can take a look at your older blog entries and determine whether or not they’re still relevant. You can take the content and repurpose it for different social media platforms if they are. Plus, keeping your social media presence fresh will help you stay top of mind with current and potential customers.

Popular blog articles and topics can be adapted as vlogs and podcasts. You can also use videos to repurpose your evergreen articles. Use the existing article as the basis for a vlog idea or the script. You can also revise the blog for a podcast. Not all written articles translate well to the spoken word, but you can edit articles to fit the format of a podcast best.

In some cases, you can take your blog posts and turn them into SlideShare presentations, which are an excellent option for sharing on LinkedIn.

If you want to reach your audience in new ways, it may be time to expand the scope of your corporate social media strategy. With so many platforms available today, like podcasts and vlogs, you can take advantage of different marketing channels that could better suit your company’s needs.

The Author

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