Caring for a Senior Parent While Working at Home: How to Balance Your Life

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  • Balancing caregiving responsibilities and work-from-home can be overwhelming, but it is possible.
  • Create a caregiving schedule and involve your parent in the process.
  • Enroll in advanced medication training for support workers to ensure safe and effective care for your senior parent.
  • Set boundaries between work and caregiving tasks, create daily checklists, and prioritize tasks.
  • Take advantage of technology tools such as health management apps, GPS tracking devices, home monitoring systems, and voice-activated assistants.

As a working parent, striking a balance between career and family can be a daunting task. When tasked with caring for a senior parent, life can feel overwhelming. It’s a common problem that many working adults face, especially with the pandemic forcing many of us to work from home.

Fortunately, with organization and planning, you can balance working from home and caregiving for your senior parent. Read on for tips and tricks to help you maintain your sanity while juggling both roles.

Create a Caregiving Schedule

Start by setting time aside for caregiving duties. Plan your work schedule around that and communicate openly with your employer to ensure a smooth workflow. Create a calendar and put it up where everyone can see what’s happening typically. It’s always a great idea to involve your parent in the process. If they are aware of when you’ll be working versus when you’ll be spending time with them, it can help build trust and understanding.

Improve Your Caregiving Skills

The more equipped you are with caregiving skills, the more you can care for your loved one and your job. One way to do this is by enrolling in advanced medication training for support workers.

This training will teach you how to administer medications safely and effectively, reducing the risk of medication errors. This will give you peace of mind and ensure your senior parent receives the necessary care.

Plan Your Work Schedule

woman writing her schedule and plans

Set clear boundaries between your work and your caregiving responsibilities. Ensure that your employer is aware of your caregiving responsibilities so that they can provide you with flexibility. Create a daily to-do list for both work and caregiving. Start your day by reviewing the checklist and prioritizing tasks. Once you’re done, check both lists to ensure you didn’t forget anything.

Take Advantage of Technology

The challenges that come along with aging can make it harder to provide the necessary care for your senior parent. Technology has made strides in helping caregivers provide the best care possible. Here are the best tech tools to help you care for your aging parent.

Health Management Apps

Health management apps are perfect for older adults taking multiple medications daily. These apps remind them to take their medication on schedule and track their health conditions.

Additionally, health management apps can keep track of important medical information that can assist emergency responders in case of an emergency. One great app is Medisafe, which provides medication reminders, refill reminders, and drug interaction warnings.

GPS Tracking Devices

If your parents have dementia or Alzheimer’s, they may become confused or lost. This is where GPS tracking devices can come in handy. GPS devices allow you to locate your loved one even if they don’t remember where they are.

They are designed to be worn on the body to track your senior parent’s location anytime. A good example of a GPS tracking device is AngelSense, which tracks your loved one’s movements, speaks with emergency responders and sends alerts when your loved one is out of the designated location.

Home Monitoring Systems

Many seniors prefer to live independently, but it’s not always feasible. Home monitoring systems have come a long way in recent years. These devices can alert you to falls, open doors, smoke detectors, and even provide video surveillance. For instance, Nest’s indoor camera offers a live feed of your parent’s home and sends notifications when something occurs.

Voice-Activated Assistants

Voice-activated assistants, such as Amazon’s Echo, can significantly benefit seniors. By simply asking Alexa, seniors can set medication reminders, manage calendars, control lights and air conditioning, and even use smart locks. Moreover, some voice-activated systems can make calls and look up information online.

Take Care of Your Mental Health

outdoor run woman jogging exercise

This is perhaps the most important tip on this list. Caring for a senior parent while working from home can be emotionally and physically exhausting, and neglecting your mental health can lead to burnout. Remember to take time for yourself to exercise, meditate, or just relax. Carve out time weekly, if not daily, to engage in an activity that pleases you and allows you to unwind.

Final Thoughts

While caring for your senior parent while working from home can be overwhelming, finding balance is not impossible. These tips will help you strike the perfect balance between caregiving and working from home. With diligent and consistent effort, you can do both successfully.

The Author

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