How to Leverage Organic Marketing to Hit a Large User Base

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Most people buy fans and followers to show their influence on social media. And why not? Online is where all the crowds are. Most millennials will search online today before deciding to buy something, whether food or other consumables. However, there is high competition between several brands and businesses across social media platforms.

Paid and sponsored content is a surefire way to present your offerings in front of others. However, you should have an equally enticing strategy to give it a boost. But one thing is for sure: paid campaigns cost a lot of money. If you are starting with your small venture, you cannot afford to shell out that mount probably. Therefore, it makes sense to look for ways to market your venture organically. Here are five tips on how to do that.

1. Choose the Right Platform

Most brands enlist their products and services on multiple platforms. However, choosing just about any may not have the desired effect. You must have seen the makeup and aesthetics scene seeing immense fan following on Instagram. So does the food business. Moreover, you will find the finest photographs being used online over Instagram. Food photography is one of the show-stoppers when it comes to social media.

Now, don’t you think it would be ineffective if you sponsored these materials on LinkedIn? Given that LinkedIn is a professional forum and job portal, these media might not be all too appropriate. Therefore, you need to choose the platform carefully. You also need to understand the algorithm for all the platforms. The embedded algorithm determines how the content is presented in front of the others.

2. Choose a Branding Theme


More and more millennials are flocking to online media channels before making a buying decision. Therefore, it pays to get a good photoshoot done. If people love the ambiance of your retail store, popup, or kiosk, they will head there. This cannot be more apt for the food sector, photoshoots, and beauty products. Think of a current theme that matches the psyche of your target audience. If you want to grow in your food business, you need to post great photos of the food, the cutlery, the tables, and the décor. Let people know that you exist and what they can expect on their plates.

Say you want to get a head-start in the fast-food business. With a fast-food franchise, you will already get pre-developed strategies that have worked for the brand. As such, you can tick off a few challenges even at the beginning of your venture. People already know about the brand, so creating hype is a cinch. Advertising about your new location can open more pathways for you as well.

Additionally, you will also get a theme, which people identify with. What you have to do, is post them online on the best platforms. This can boost the organic reach to a considerable extent without you having to shell out extra money from your pockets.

3. Utilize Live Streaming Sessions

If you are serious about organically reaching a more significant chunk of customers, you better start live streaming. Videos can engage people more than images do. It is a sure-shot way to attract the audience you were vying for. Moreover, live videos are interactive as well. It will help to pull up your brand’s engagement—the better engagement, the more shares, and then more likes. Additionally, you should leave the comments open to all. They will help you reach the required sales figures. This is a massive trick in the social media strategy. And the sectors to thrive are makeup, skincare, wellness, cooking, and gourmet, to name a few.

4. Post Less Content Online

When practically everyone is trying to be active on social media, this seems to be a bit contradictory. However, it only means that you should post relevant content. There is no point in posting daily without having something substantial. You ought to concentrate on content that brings about huge interaction with the audience. Posting too frequently can dilute your content. Most platforms utilize engagement as a tool to spread your content’s reach. So, concentrate on the quality rather than the quantity.

5. Use Messenger Bots

Chatbots can give your small business a huge push today. Communicate with your target audience with their assistance. Moreover, this strategy can nurture your leads and retain your customers. Sharing knowledge online is also seen as an incredible engagement tool today. The efficiency of chatbots is quite dynamic in the organic world today. Most consumers also prefer messaging to direct calls.

Direct calls often put customers under pressure. So, they often shy away from any interactions altogether. Conversational e-commerce is the buzzword today, as it encourages customers to buy more. You can do the same for your business today. It has also allowed various brands to improve delivery and customer service. All small businesses thrive on such tools. It also strengthens loyalty.

Utilize these strategies to boost your small business’s organic reach. When you work with social media, you have to be smart. You need to engage and sell. There are more ways out there, but you have to choose the ones for your business. The only you will get the best rewards.

The Author

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