Business, technology, internet and networking concept. Young businessman working on his laptop in the office, select the icon security on the virtual display.

The Seven Most Important Things to Make Your Website More Interactive

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More businesses are using the power of the internet to promote their products and services. With so many websites vying for attention, it’s hard to stand out from the crowd and persuade visitors to make purchases or complete other actions on your site.

A new business with an interactive website can gain an advantage over the competition, so why aren’t more startups making use of this feature? For many businesses, interactive websites aren’t the most pressing concern. But just because something isn’t urgent doesn’t mean it isn’t important.

It takes time to incorporate interactivity into your website design, but the long-term benefits are well worth it. Here are seven ways to make your website more interactive, and that will encourage visitors to engage with your content.

website development draft

Shareable Images

For a person to feel engaged and interested in your website, you must design it in a way that makes people want to share it. What kinds of images make websites more shareable? The key is providing an image that’s both eye-catching and relatable — someone will only feel compelled to share something if they can relate to it. You may even choose to incorporate social media buttons directly into your site, so users have one less step before sharing what you have to offer.

You can also provide photographs or video tours of your startup business office, showing potential clients how comfortable employees are with having a serene workspace. By showing them how excited and happy your staff is with their location, clients might feel reassured about becoming partners in business with you.


Add videos, clips, and short movies in each section. Remember, people like to be entertained. It can be done with still images or animations. It’s best to have engagement with your audience that they relate to the media they see. You could also ask them to vote on polls that are relevant to your niche or post content. It makes it more interactive when people feel like they have some control over your content based on their preferences and input.

Add FAQ Page

A frequently asked questions page is great because it answers those burning questions that customers want to be answered, but don’t want to take up your valuable time by calling. It’s also a good way for them to get a feel for your company and trust you as an authority figure in your field. Also, make sure you include contact information on your FAQ page so people can easily get in touch with you if they have any questions or issues.

Use Reviews From Customers

It’s a customer’s word-of-mouth, along with their ratings and reviews, that can be key in getting your start-up off of the ground. A 2014 study conducted by BrightLocal showed 88 percent of consumers trust online reviews just as much as personal recommendations. You should encourage customer interaction on your website—and you should also do so authentically. No matter how good your product or service may be, if you ask customers for feedback or a review directly after they purchase something, they’re likely to have positive things to say about it. Offer incentives such as discounts or coupons after a specific number of reviews are posted, but keep it underhanded—the last thing you want is people bashing your product because they didn’t receive more discounted services from it.

Blog or Newsletter

One great way to get real-time feedback is by putting a free newsletter or another type of electronic publication that shares your expertise. Newsletters are much cheaper than most ads, yet have higher response rates because they show people you know what you’re talking about. You can create these publications and email them regularly without spending a fortune on software or design. And once people subscribe, they’ll become more invested in your brand.

Include the Audience in Surveys and Polls

It’s important to know what your audience wants. You may find that people respond better to surveys and polls when they’re on a site dedicated to a topic similar to theirs. For example, if you were writing a parenting website, your audience may feel more comfortable answering personal questions on another site dedicated entirely toward parents or families. Conducting surveys and polls lets you create an interactive community with members who enjoy participating in it—which can only help strengthen your reputation as an authority in your niche.

Encourage User-Generated Content

User-generated content or UGC describes content posted by users rather than an organization. UGC can include reviews of your product or service, photos of customers using your product, discussions in comment sections on your website, and more. This type of content gives potential customers a realistic sense of how others perceive your brand. Encourage UGC by making it easy for customers to leave feedback on their own experiences with your brand through review sites and social media channels.

An interactive website is one of your most powerful marketing weapons. It provides numerous opportunities for engagement, communication, and long-term relationships with prospects and customers. The more you make it fun, educational, and interesting for users, the better your chances of capturing their attention, building trust, and converting them into paying customers.

The Author

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