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Essential Elements To Include on Your Real Estate Listing

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  • Including an EICR certificate gives buyers confidence in the property’s safety. You should always include this when creating a listing.
  • Professional photography can make your property stand out and increase buyer traffic. Hire a photographer to take quality photos of your property.
  • Detailed floor plans are essential in showcasing the size and layout of the property, which can help attract the right buyers.
  • Creating an informative property summary is vital in setting expectations for potential buyers.
  • Interactive virtual tours are a great way to give buyers an immersive digital experience of the property.

As a real estate investor, the key to successful online marketing is making sure that your real estate listings stand out. With so many listings available online, it can be challenging to grab the attention of prospective buyers. However, including essential details on your listings is the first step in attracting the right buyers and making a solid impression. Below are a few critical items to show on your real estate listing to optimize your online marketing strategy.

EICR Certificate

One of the essential elements to include in your real estate listing is the EICR certificate or the Electrical Installation Condition Report for your property. This report confirms the condition of the electrical installations and systems within the property, which is an essential requirement for any property rental, sale, or property management purposes.

The EICR certificate provides comprehensive details on the safety, adequacy, and control of the electrical installations, which can provide potential buyers’ confidence in the safety of a property.

Professional Photography

Photos are the first impression that potential buyers have of your property. So if you want to showcase your property in the best light, you need professional and high-quality photos. Hiring a professional photographer to capture the best angles and ideal lighting is essential to ensure you make the best impression possible. Professionally taken pictures can create a sense of excitement and generate buyer traffic to your property.

Detailed Floor Plans


Your property listing should include detailed floor plans showcasing the flow and layout of the property. Floor plans provide a clear visual representation of the property’s size and layout, including the number of rooms and their dimensions. Including this information can attract the right buyers who need a specific number of rooms or spaces, and it can increase the credibility of the property listing.

Property Summary

A property summary is a brief description of the property’s key features. The summary provides a brief overview of the property’s main attributes and can highlight its potential to potential buyers. Your property summary should include the following information:


Your property’s location is a key factor for buyers to consider. Thus, you should include the state and city of your property in the listing. The location can be one of the main determinants for buyers in deciding whether to purchase or not.


Include the size of your property in terms of square footage and provide potential buyers with an estimate of how many rooms or bedrooms it has. The size of the property is one of the main factors to consider in the purchase process and should not be left out.


State your property’s price on the listing, as this will provide buyers with an idea of how much they can expect to pay for a particular property. Including a competitive price range on your listing can attract more potential buyers and help to close a sale quicker.


List down all the amenities that are included in your listing, such as parking, facilities, and amenities available in the area. Amenities can be a major deciding factor for many buyers and should, therefore, be listed on the listing.


Highlight any unique features that make your property stand out, such as a pool or private garden. The property’s features can be a deciding factor for potential buyers in choosing the right property.

A strong property summary can entice potential buyers to learn more about the property and schedule a viewing.

Interactive Virtual Tours

Virtual tour

Nowadays, virtual tours have become increasingly standard in any modern real estate marketing strategy. Virtual tours provide potential buyers with the opportunity to get a feel for the property without ever leaving their homes.

A 360-degree view of the property can help sell the experience and make buyers feel confident about their investment. Interactive virtual tours can be a powerful tool in providing a digital showing that is second to none and can be a game-changer for any real estate marketing strategy.

A successful real estate marketing strategy requires the inclusion of several essential elements. If you want to maximize your success rate when selling or renting out a property online, be sure to include all these essential elements on your listing!

The Author

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