Concentrated woman scrubbing the bar in kitchen

Five Easy to Start Businesses This Year

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The pandemic ravaged the United States economy. The loss of life and the spread of the disease caused businesses to close, leading to a decrease in economic output. The fall in stock prices and the rise in unemployment also contributed to the decline in economic activity. In addition, the government’s response to the pandemic was also costly, further exacerbating the decline in economic activity.

The country’s GDP decreased by 1.6% this year, but this hasn’t stopped experts from urging people to start a business. Some businesses shine this year, so for those who are willing to take a risk, you can start some of the businesses in this article. Here are some easy businesses to start this year.

Heating Services

Heating is an essential part of life, especially when winter is coming. Many people use traditional heaters such as boilers for central heating. These are prone to damage, and because of it requires boiler repairs for them to continue functioning at an optimal level. Thankfully, it’s easy to start a boiler repair business or any heating services business. All you need is a van, some tools, and the knowledge to fix boilers. Then, you can start advertising your services online or through word-of-mouth.

Cleaning Services

The pandemic has made people more aware of the importance of cleanliness and sanitation. This has led to an increase in demand for cleaning services. The industry is now worth over a hundred billion dollars.

When starting a cleaning service, you must identify whether you can handle the work yourself. Cleaning is particularly challenging, but if you can do it yourself, you can save a lot of money on your business. However, if you need help, you can hire freelancers.

It’s safer to hire freelancers because a contract does not bind them. If you’re unhappy with their work, you can terminate their services. Investing in an excellent van to ensure you can transport yourself around town is also good.

Cleaning services is one business that will always be in demand. People are always looking for ways to save time and have someone else do the dirty work. So if you’re considering starting a business, this is a great option.

A woman ready to deliver pizza

Food Delivery

Another business that has seen an increase in demand due to the pandemic is food delivery. With more people working from home, there is a greater need for delivery services.

There are many food delivery services you can start, such as a grocery delivery service or a meal delivery service. You can also start a pet food delivery service. The most important thing is to find a niche and target market. Once you’ve done that, you can start advertising your services online or through word-of-mouth. You must invest in a good van and grow your fleet as the years’ pass. In this way, you can ensure that you’re able to deliver the food on time and grow your company.


Childcare is another business that is in high demand, especially with more parents working from home. If you have experience caring for children, this might be the perfect business for you.

You must first obtain the necessary licenses and certifications when starting a childcare business. These will vary from state to state. Once you have that taken care of, you can start advertising your services online or through word-of-mouth. You can also put up flyers in local businesses or community centers.

Creating a safe and welcoming environment for the children in your care is essential. This means having a clean and well-organized space. You should also have a variety of activities for the children to do so they’re never bored.


Tutoring is another great business to start this year. With more parents working from home, there is a greater need for tutors. You can start your own tutoring business if you have a degree or experience in a particular subject.

The best way to start a tutoring business is by going online. E-learning is crucial for the growth of the business. You can start by offering your services on platforms like TutorMe. You can also create your website and provide video tutorials or one-on-one sessions.

When starting a tutoring business, you must be patient and understand that it takes time to build a client base. Once you have a few clients, you can start to grow your business by hiring more tutors.

Marketing your tutoring services can be pretty straightforward. Starting, you can market yourself on social media. Start posting content that is related to your tutoring services. You can also join relevant online communities and forums to reach more people.

These are five businesses that are easy to start this year. With the right amount of planning and effort, you can be successful in any of these businesses

The Author

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