
The Best Apps, Software, and Gadgets for Small-business Owners

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Freelancing is a tough way to make a living. But interestingly, many of the most successful people in freelancing have found ways to use technology as their secret weapon. Similarly, small businesses are very often reliant on technology. That’s because there are so many different types of tech out on the market that can help small businesses and freelancers get ahead.

If you want your freelance or small business to be as successful as possible, then you need smart gadgets and tools that will keep you connected with clients and allow you to work from anywhere at any time.

Follow this list for some great ideas on what kinds of tech would be best for your needs:

Digital Voice Recorder

As a freelancer, sometimes you’ll be working in environments without an easy place to take notes. To avoid costly mistakes, invest in a digital voice recorder so you can stay on top of your meetings and appointments. A recorded conversation is much better than trying to scrawl notes you can’t read later.

In a related vein, if you need to record people in conversation so you can listen back and review the information later, a digital audio recorder could be just what you need. Amazon sells a popular model that also doubles as an MP3 player.


If you prefer to work from home but do a lot of your business over the internet (email, phone calls), you need a secure and safe network at all times. Make sure this includes virtual private networks (VPN) that protect sensitive data by encrypting it as it leaves the device and makes a connection to the network. So even if you’re using public Wi-Fi, your data will still be safe from prying eyes.

Laptop with a Built-in Projector

If you travel a lot for work, it can be helpful to have a laptop with a built-in projector to share files easily when in meetings. It’s also important to choose one with enough memory, or else you might experience lag time between slides.

Webcam, Headphones, and Microphone

While a webcam might not be an absolute necessity for every freelancer, it can definitely come in handy if you have a side hustle or do online coaching. You can use a webcam to record a podcast interview and upload it on your blog. So even if people miss the live session, they’ll still get valuable

Odds are, you’ll communicate with your clients on the phone or via video chat way more than you will in person. That means it’s important to invest in some quality headphones that also have a built-in microphone so that they can hear everything you say perfectly.

Tablet and Stylus

If you want to work on the go, consider investing in a tablet. They’re lightweight and can be used just about anywhere—even if you’re on the go. Adding a stylus or pen will also give you more control when filling out documents or taking notes. Plus, you won’t have to worry about the battery dying after only an hour or so, which is definitely a problem with laptops!


Waze or Apple Maps

The self-driving car would have been perfect for small business owners and freelancers, but since that’s a little more into the future, just make do with GPS-guided systems. This app or tool will help you navigate roads and highways so you never get lost on the way to a meeting or interview.

The app also tells you if there are road accidents, hazards, or construction on the route ahead, so you’ll save time and avoid stress. Of course, if you ever find yourself involved in one, call a car accident lawyer immediately.  A lawyer beats any tool or app when it comes to dealing with a disgruntled driver or pedestrian.

Personal Digital Assistants

Siri and Alexa are powerful digital assistants that can help you accomplish a lot when it comes to working. You can ask them for reminders or suggestions about things like directions, phone numbers, and meeting times. Thanks to cloud storage, your personal assistant will also remember important details, so you don’t have to go through the trouble of taking notes when trying to follow up.

Cloud Storage

Nowadays, you really can’t have too much cloud storage. This is the one thing you need to have if you are ever going to be successful in business today. Not only will it help your devices stay synced and up-to-date with files, but it also makes uploading things like podcasts or videos a lot easier. And if you’re worried about your files and content getting stolen, make sure they’re encrypted and safe on the cloud.

Google Drive is good for freelancers and small business owners because it actually offers a lot more than Microsoft Office does when it comes to documents, spreadsheets, and presentations.

There are more tips and tricks that help out small business owners, freelancers, and telecommuters on a regular basis. These particular tools will definitely boost productivity during the workday.

The Author

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