
Guide to Marketing to Working Moms on Social Media

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Businesses have been using social media as a marketing tool for a while now. Because people spend so much of their time every day online, it makes sense that digital advertising is becoming the primary way for businesses to reach out to potential customers. For the most part, it has been an effective strategy; as long as the business knows how to navigate social media, they can run successful marketing campaigns online and without spending a lot of money.

But social media has been a very competitive landscape for advertising. Many brands are trying to capture the attention of different groups of people which makes it different to run successful ads.

So, businesses should know not just their target markets, but also what these consumers need and when. For example, if you’re opening a childcare business, you need to market to working mothers. There are several things that you need to know about them and the ways in which they use social media.


Here’s what businesses need to know when marketing to working moms on social media:

They Have Timeframes

When it comes to marketing, there are two important timeframes to be aware of: the moment and the timeframe. The “moment” is when you catch your customer’s attention before they scroll past your post or ad; this usually takes a few seconds. If you can build trust quickly by showing them your product or service, they’ll be more likely to click so you can capture their attention for a longer timeframe.

As working mothers are using social media, it’s important to understand their different timeframes. A business should know not just how long each group of people spends on social media every day, but also the times that they’re most active. For working mothers, the morning and afternoon are the best times to post content that they’ll see in a social media feed.

They Have Distractions

Businesses also need to understand how much time moms have when they’re on social media for work purposes or leisure. If you own a childcare business or something similar, you could post reassuring tweets or Facebook posts. These could be posted during the day when moms are at work, but remember that they could become distracted at any point. If a tweet is particularly engaging, they might stop what they’re doing temporarily to read it — so you have limited time to capture their attention with a quick, engaging tweet or Facebook post.

They Use Phones and Tablets

If your business is going to be marketing on social media, it’s important to look at the differences between how people use their smartphones and tablets. In general, more people tend to use a tablet for work-related tasks while they use a phone when they’re on a break.

As working mothers use their smartphones and tablet for different purposes, you should keep that in mind when marketing to them. It could help you understand how they respond to your ads on social media and the types of content that will perform well with each device.

They’re Often Engaged With Their Kids

Work-life balance is a big concern for many working moms, but it can also be problematic from a marketing standpoint. If they’re spending more time with their kids while they’re at home, they might not have a lot of time to spend on social media.

But if you know that your potential customers are using social media when they’re at work or during their break, you should take that into account when creating your marketing campaign. You could post content that resonates with working moms during school hours such as posts about how to find a good caregiver for their kids or how your business is different from the competition.

And They’re Responsive

If you want to successfully target working mothers on social media, you should understand which social media platforms they use and how often. It’s important for working moms to be able to interact with the brands they like on Facebook and Twitter, so it could be beneficial for your business to have a presence on both platforms.

You’ll also want to think about how responsive your potential customers are on social media. It’s important that you’re willing to respond to their tweets or Facebook posts with helpful advice or coupons, otherwise, they might think twice before following you.

Working mothers are an important target market for businesses, as they often have a lot of money to spend and are active on social media. However, marketing to them requires a different approach than other demographics. By understanding their different timeframes, distractions, and use of devices, you can create content that resonates with them and helps capture their attention. Additionally, it’s important to be responsive to their interactions on social media so that they feel appreciated and valued by your business.

The Author

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