urban farming

Plotting a Small Business: How Innovation Makes Urban Farming Work

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People living in cities have been integrating agriculture into urban living by cultivating their own food. This emerging trend in farming presents economic and fellowship opportunities both for the whole community and for the household. Urban farming is growing in popularity likely because of its benefits in cost, sustainability, convenience, and health.

Urban agriculture presents a decent revenue potential. The first step is to find out about crop species that can be cultivated indoors or in limited spaces. Whether you grow your plants in your yard, apartment rooftop, or balcony, agricultural innovation and technology will make it possible to produce your own decorative or edible plants for the home and even sell them in markets. You can maximize the potential of your small agriculture enterprise by marketing high-margin produce, focusing on niche markets (e.g., vegans, organic bakers, homemakers, interior designers, etc.) and offering specialized services to other urban farmers.

What Is Urban Farming?

Urban farming bears similarities with homesteading and community gardening. But urban farming has more to do with selling rather than just growing produce for home consumption or community sharing.

Urban farming is an agricultural practice that can support individuals and communities. It has paved the way for improved fellowship within the community, profitable occupation for the family, and encouraging healthy eating habits in everyone.

Urban farming can be a community or independent enterprise. If undertaken as a community, this has a more direct impact on the local economy because it potentially creates jobs and generates income for the community by profit from selling fresh produce at affordable prices.

Since urban farming takes place in cities, it is easier to reach commercial restaurants and niche farm-to-table providers. On the other hand, pollution and space limitations are typical challenges. Fortunately, these components drive urban farmers to develop small-scale farming strategies with the help of technology.

urban farming

Making Money from Urban Farming

As previously said, apart from providing families in the city with a sustainable food supply, urban farming can also bolster a family’s income. Here are a few ways people can make money off urban farming:

  • Vegetable Landscaping

Sometimes referred to as edible landscaping, vegetable landscaping involves integrating produce and flowers in a single garden structure. You can grow vegetables either on yard soil or in small, individual containers with minimal start-up capital. There is a wide variety of plant types you can work with, such as herbs, berries, pepper, garlic, or onion. You can also grow fruit trees if you have enough yard space.

You can also cultivate indoor flowering or decorative plants that are wildly popular these days, with commercial and residential spaces embracing newer interior design styles. Examples are succulents, rubber plants, fiddle leaf figs, anthuriums, and many others.

  • Hydroponic Farming

Hydroponics is agriculture technology that allows for growing crops in a soil-less medium. It involves rooting plants in nutrient-rich water. An effective hydroponic system significantly reduces water and nutrient wastage as compared to soil-based farms. Nutrient-enriched water is fed directly to the plant’s roots and is recycled through the hydroponic structure. Hydroponics and soil-less media are advantageous because these systems are typically less prone to soil-borne disease and parasites.

Farmers are, logically, combining hydroponics with vertical farming. Vertical farming, essentially, is indoor farming utilizing a systematic structure of towers, racks, or shelves where plants are stacked to grow vertically.

Hydroponic vertical farming systems require little space. You only need water, fertilizer, and a temperature- and humidity-controlled space with natural or artificial light. Using this system, you can easily farm herbs (like parsley, cilantro, and basil) and other fresh greens (such as spinach, kale, and others). As you become more adept at hydroponic and vertical farming, you can venture out into farming tomatoes, rosemary, peppers, and the like. These latter suggestions might take more time to grow and harvest, but these are often high-margin items in the produce market.

  • Products and Services

Aside from your urban farm production, you can likewise generate income from marketing compost and seedlings to other urban farmers like yourself. Nowadays, composting is not merely a method of waste disposal. Composting is now commonly practiced to turn waste into usable products. You can target landscaping contractors or a niche market of consumers that buy only eco-friendly products and services.


From developing farming systems, cultivation, and the distribution of organically-grown produce, urban farming presents a wide range of community and individual benefits. Whether you utilize it as an economic enterprise for the community or the family, urban farming promotes employment and healthy lifestyles. With adequate planning, up-to-date knowledge in new agriculture technologies, and genuine commitment, all you need is minimal capital for sustaining a flourishing urban farm.

The Author

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