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Digital Marketing 101: How to Build an SEO-friendly Website

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Nowadays, it’s no longer enough to have an official website or social media accounts to establish your online presence. With so many businesses taking to the digital platform to conduct their main operations, entrepreneurs have to work twice as hard as before if they want to keep their hold on the market.

Since establishing your credibility online will be a long process, it would be best to start immediately. For instance, you can focus your resources on researching the appropriate search engine optimization (SEO) techniques to rank higher on the search engine results pages (SERPs).

Another method would be to ensure that your web design is responsive and SEO-friendly so that you’ll have a higher chance of landing on top of the SERPs. If you don’t know how to build an SEO-friendly website, you’ve come to the right place. Here are five tips you can use to make this possible:

Tip #1 Optimize Website for Mobile Users

In the digital age, you have to assume that your customers will be accessing your website from different devices. Gone are the days when computers were the only equipment that people could use to go online. Now, there are smartphones, tablets, laptops, and other devices that your customers can use.

This means that your website needs to be accessible and responsive no matter what kind of device your customers are using. By making your website mobile-friendly, you can give your customers an amazing user experience that can encourage them to keep using your website and support your business.

Tip #2 Create Engaging and Relevant Content

Your website won’t rank higher on the SERPs if you churn out content that no one will read or enjoy watching. If you truly want your website to receive traction that you can convert into sales, you’ll have to make sure that you’re only creating content relevant to your audience and adds value to their lives.

Additionally, you need to make your content engaging enough to have a higher chance of it being shared across various social media platforms. It would be pointless to create content that won’t bring you one step closer to your business goals, which is why you should always consider the factors that come into play when making content for your audience.

man writing codes

Tip #3 Take Advantage of the Meta Descriptions

Every time a user enters a keyword on the search bar, they’ll be given hundreds of results that are relevant to their query. They’ll be able to see the web page’s title and a few sentences about what the page contains, which is called the meta description. And you can use that to your advantage.

This is because most blog titles can be similar, but their meta descriptions are always different. If you can grab your audience’s attention from a simple paragraph, then there would be a higher chance of them clicking on your link instead of others. This only means that you have to create brief meta descriptions that can pack a punch.

Tip #4 Consider the Benefits of Internal Linking

Each piece of content that you create for your website has unlimited SEO potential. For instance, by using valuable targeted keywords in your articles, you can increase your chances of appearing on the SERPs and drive organic traffic to your website. But keywords aren’t your only drivers for success.

You can also look into the practice of internal linking and how it can benefit your website. This is because internal linking can help the search engines discover your other pages when they crawl through your content. By linking relevant pages to anchor texts within your content, you’ll be boosting your chances to rank higher on the SERPs.

Tip #5 Avoid Using Black Hat SEO Tactics

Much like in any situation, there are good and bad SEO strategies. Creating relevant content, using meta descriptions, and internal linking are all good SEO strategies. But there are also unethical tactics that marketers can use to drive traffic to their pages; these are commonly called black hat SEO practices.

No matter how much you want to speed up ranking on the SERPs, you should never resort to black hat SEO strategies because doing so can ruin all your hard work. These can include keyword stuffing, link manipulation, or spammy links, which are all tactics that you should avoid doing.

Fortunately, building an SEO-friendly website isn’t an impossible feat, although it may be a long and winding road. But if you use the right tools and come up with the right strategies to implement, you won’t have a hard time reaching your goals for the business. So, don’t give up all hope j

The Author

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