Career woman using a laptop

Shifting Career for the Digital Times: What to Consider

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  • Digitalization is driving career shifts, with new roles requiring up-to-date technological skills.
  • Education, online courses, coding boot camps, and self-learning resources provide essential knowledge for digital careers.
  • Certifications validate your skills, increase job market appeal, and often provide access to professional communities.
  • Gaining practical experience through internships and entry-level roles is critical to understanding and succeeding in the digital industry.

Digitalization’s transformative impact on various industries has become a compelling reason for career shifts. The digitization wave offers many opportunities, enticing professionals to explore new pathways. By 2025, 85 million jobs may become obsolete due to machines, while 97 million new roles adapted to the new division of labor. This indicates an upward trend in digital careers.

Furthermore, a study by Dell Technologies predicts that 85% of the jobs that will exist in 2030 haven’t been invented yet, signifying the rapid pace of digital innovation. Hence, digitalization, with its promise of job security and growth, has become a convincing reason for career transitions.

However, achieving a successful career shift in the digital era requires careful consideration and planning. Here are some factors that professionals should keep in mind when contemplating a career change:

Invest in Education First

Graduate holding a diploma

Staying updated with the latest technological advancements is paramount in the constantly evolving digital landscape. An investment in education is essentially an investment in one’s future. For professionals contemplating a shift to digital careers, targeted education provides the requisite skills and knowledge to excel in new roles. It offers a competitive edge and instills confidence to navigate the challenges of the digital world.

Opt for Online Courses

The internet is a treasure trove of knowledge, with countless online platforms offering courses in various disciplines. You can find careers in Computer Science and related fields when investing in educational classes. These courses, often created by renowned universities and institutions, provide comprehensive coverage of key concepts and trends in the digital space.

Attend Coding Bootcamps

Coding boot camps are intensive training programs that offer accelerated learning in specific areas such as web development, data science, and software engineering. They typically span several weeks and are ideal for those seeking to acquire practical skills in a shorter time frame. They offer a hands-on approach, with real-world projects that mimic the tasks of digital professions.

Leverage Self-Learning Resources

The digital world is characterized by its open-source nature, which makes many free educational content available. Websites like GitHub, freeCodeCamp, and Stack Overflow host a wealth of resources for self-learners. These platforms foster peer learning and provide an environment for practical problem-solving and project development. They allow individuals to learn at their own pace and according to their preferences.

Securing Certifications

Securing certifications is another crucial step towards a successful digital career transition. Certifications from notable institutions or organizations testify to your expertise and knowledge in a particular field. They validate your skills and make you a more attractive candidate in the job market, often setting you apart from the competition. 

The significance of certifications lies in the validation they provide and the professional credibility they instill. They demonstrate a commitment to professional growth and a willingness to learn, traits that are highly valued in the rapidly evolving digital industry. Additionally, many certifications come with the added benefit of access to professional communities and resources, further aiding career development and networking. 

From a client’s perspective, hiring a certified professional assures that they are entrusting their projects to a qualified individual capable of delivering high-quality results. Thus, certifications can play a crucial role in securing employment and establishing a successful career in the digital realm. Regardless of your specific digital career path, relevant certificates, be it in digital marketing, data science, software development, or cyber security, are available. Hence, investing time and resources in securing credentials can significantly enhance your career prospects in the digital era.

Gain Practical Experience


Practical experience is a cornerstone in the career shift process, especially in digital roles. It offers an excellent opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge, develop necessary skills, and understand the real-world dynamics of the digital landscape. It provides a first-hand feel of the industry’s workings, the challenges it entails, the skills it values, and the nature of its operations. Practical experience adds substantial weight to your resume, signaling to prospective employers your hands-on familiarity with the role and your readiness to contribute effectively. 

Starting with Internships

Internships are a fantastic starting point to gain valuable experience in a new field. They offer insights into a company’s culture and the industry’s functioning and provide an opportunity to network with professionals in the area. Internships also allow you to apply what you have learned in a work setting, strengthening your skills and boosting your confidence. It’s essential to approach internships with a learning mindset: absorb as much as possible, seek feedback, and take the initiative to work on various projects. 

Embrace Entry-Level Roles

Entry-level roles are another great avenue to amass practical experience. While it may initially seem like a step back, particularly for those with more senior roles in another industry, these roles provide you with the necessary exposure and learnings in your new chosen field. Entry-level roles help you understand the industry from the ground up and equip you with various skills that can be instrumental in your career growth. Remember, the digital industry values skill and experience over titles, so focus on learning and growing – your determination and hard work will undoubtedly pay off.

Final Thoughts

Transitioning to a digital career can be an exciting and fulfilling journey. However, it requires careful consideration, planning, and the determination to learn and grow continuously. Investing in education, securing certifications, and gaining practical experience are vital steps toward achieving success in the digital world. With the right mindset and approach, a career shift for the digital times can lead to endless opportunities for growth and development. The key is to stay updated, adaptable, and committed to personal and professional growth in the ever-evolving digital world.

The Author

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