Mobile in EAM

The Growing Role of Mobile in EAM

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Mobile in EAMMobile is the future, and no one’s going to escape it. The convenience of being able to make decisions and changes on the go is too good to pass up on. Virtually every industry has some form of portable application that makes their operations easier to handle. Even the mobile resistant industry of asset and investment management is making concessions to accommodate the inevitable march of progress.

Mobile Recognition in EAM

It’s unclear why the industry took so long in advocating positive change on this front, and is even now cautious in their adoption of the technology. But continuous pressure from clients and employees are forcing them to keep up or be left behind by the competition. In fact, mobile is quickly becoming a featured service that many companies prominently market to attract potential clients.

If someone looking for enterprise asset management online comes across, they’ll see the company’s mobile solutions right next to their main offers. This may look like just a preference of website design, but it’s actually recognition of the role mobile will play in the company’s operations. Mobile asset management is what the people want, and that’s what savvy managers will give them.

Data Support for Mobile Recognition

The support for integrating mobile support in the industry isn’t baseless either. Fifty percent of the companies that already utilise the technology report that it enhances client meetings, and sixty-seven percent believe it improve their productivity. But the use of mobile in asset management isn’t all about making things easier for management.

Mobile support provides more efficient access to portfolio data, which increases client expectation on the ability of their asset manager’s ability to address inquiries and concerns. The asset managers who plan to expand the use of this technology will need to prepare to do so effectively, or risk disappointing their clients.

Fortunately, even this new technology is subject to tried and tested rules of management. All a company needs to do to utilise mobile effectively is to clearly define their internal and external strategy with it. This knowledge base establishment applies to every single management scheme, and mobile is no different.

Companies that can combine old school know-how with new school tools only have good things in store for them.

The Author

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