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The Things That Should Be on Your Business Social Media Account

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Online marketing has been one of the most used to promote a brand or business nowadays. Nobody can deny its unbeatable power of reaching large audiences. This is the reason why companies and brands continuously get themselves online.

One of the most effective ways to boost a business’s online presence is social media. In 2021 alone, there were almost 300 million social media users in the United States. Who wouldn’t want to take advantage of that figure for exposure? This is why most businesses now have their social media accounts. This helps them reach a lot of their existing clients and potential customers. That’s why if you have a business, you want to make sure that you can get them on social media.

But how can you guarantee revenue when you market your business on social media? How can you maximize the use of social media for your business exposure? We’ve listed things you should put on your business’s social media accounts. These elements should help boost your business’s social media presence.

Creative Ad Campaigns

Aside from the game itself, the Super Bowl is known as an event when brands are premiering advertisements. These advertisements are mostly buzz-worthy. That’s because of the simple reason that brands know many people are tuning in to see their commercials. It should be the same thing for social media marketing.

You know that there’s a lot of people who can potentially see your advertisement. This calls for a creative ad campaign for your business. Those are the types of ad campaigns that should be shown on your business’s social media accounts. If you’re creative enough, you can make an ad campaign that you know has the potential to go viral. But aiming to reach your target audience through an ad campaign should be okay.

Explainer Videos

Suppose your business offers products and services too vague for some people to understand. In that case, you may want to do explainer videos. These explainer videos should make people understand everything they need to know about your products and services. You can create a video that shows slides of information about whatever you’re marketing. If you have enough budget, you can work with a team that does stunning motion graphic videos.

Present your products and services in a short-form animation. This is also good to catch the attention of potential customers. That’s because, according to a HubSpot poll in 2021, 85 percent of marketers rank short-form videos as the most effective type of social media content. Explainer videos on social media would surely help your business be known more.

Man using a wireless keyboard and mouse

Selling Channels

Don’t you think it would be better if your clients could directly avail themselves of your products and services through online media platforms? If you can put your products on social media, do it. But it’ll be better if you could include selling channels along with these products and services.

Whether it’s e-commerce platforms or direct purchasing links, you should put them. This way, your customers would have the ability to directly buy your products. It’s also the simplest way to make a sale without having to redirect your clients to another platform. That should be a great help to generate more revenue for your business.


As you may have probably known already, your clients’ feedback is very important. Positive reviews from customers can reinforce a good reputation for your business. Almost 80 percent of shoppers trust online reviews as much as they trust personal recommendations, according to a survey conducted by online marketing company BrightLocal in 2020. This only means that testimonials, especially the positive ones, play a big role in establishing people’s perception of your business. It would be nice if you could highlight some of those in your social media posts.

Responses to Negative Comments

While positive reviews are helpful for your business, the negative ones can be damaging. That depends on the gravity of the negative comment. One way to combat this is by damage control. You can do this by responding to negative comments left by your customers. If they happen to be bad, you have to take immediate action.

The first thing you should do is acknowledge the mistake. You then offer the solution to the problem. You can promise a timeframe for the resolution as long as you don’t break it. If the negative comment needs to be discussed in private, redirect the commenter to a private chat session. It’s important not to let these negative comments be left on your social media page without you responding to them. Because if you did, it’d say so much about how you treat your clients.

Social media is a powerful tool in providing information about your business. You can establish loyal customers through social media platforms. Do this by ensuring that the elements mentioned above can be found on your business’s social media accounts.

The Author

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