Going Into Business Yourself: Preparatory Ventures

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  • Freelancing provides a great way to gain hands-on business experience and develop valuable skills.
  • Franchising offers resources and guidance for entrepreneurs looking for a quick start with an existing brand.
  • Reselling equipment is an attractive option, allowing entrepreneurs to purchase products at lower prices than their retail value.
  • Owning a business requires careful planning and consideration of the risks involved, but it can be advantageous, professionally and personally.

Running a business is an attractive option for those tired of the traditional employee lifestyle. It offers the chance to control your destiny and create something you can call your own. In addition, the potential for financial success is much greater when running a business than when working for someone else.

According to the Small Business Administration, there are over 30 million small businesses in the United States, making up nearly 99% of all companies in the country. These small businesses account for more than half of all private-sector jobs nationwide, meaning that entrepreneurship plays a significant role in keeping our economy strong and providing employment opportunities to many. Additionally, research has shown that small businesses create two out of three net new jobs in the U.S., illustrating their importance in creating economic prosperity across different industries and regions.

But as you’d expect, becoming a business owner can be challenging. There will be risks and hard work involved, so going into the process with your eyes open is essential. In the meantime, you can attempt these to help you understand how to start the real venture you want.


Freelancing to prepare for business

Freelancing can be a great way to prepare for owning a business. It offers the chance to get hands-on experience in running an enterprise and gives you an idea of what it’s like to be an entrepreneur. It also provides valuable insights into managing finances, communicating with clients, developing products or services, and marketing yourself effectively. Also, freelancing allows you to build your professional network and learn from more experienced peers.

Here are some freelancing options to consider when starting:

Freelance Writing

For those with a knack for writing, freelance writing is an excellent option. Writing tasks can range from content creation and blog posts to research papers and technical documents. With the right skills and knowledge, freelance writers can make good money doing something they enjoy.


Copywriting is another excellent option for people passionate about writing. This type of freelancing entails creating copy that produces a desired action on behalf of the reader – whether that’s signing up for a service or making a purchase – by leveraging persuasive language and storytelling techniques. Experienced copywriters tend to charge more than general writers because their work requires more specialized knowledge and skill set.

Graphic Designing

Graphic design is perfect for those with a creative eye and knowledge of Adobe design programs such as Photoshop or InDesign. Freelance graphic designers typically work on web design projects such as logos, brochures, infographics, banners, etc., requiring visual creativity and technical know-how.

Web Developing & Programming

Those interested in coding, web development, and programming also offer plenty of opportunities. Web developers can create custom websites or applications using different programming languages such as HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc. At the same time, programmers often work on software development projects that involve complex coding algorithms or data structures. Both roles require a rigorous understanding of web technologies and coding practices, so prior experience is usually necessary before entering this field.

There are many more freelancing opportunities to consider, and they will depend on your expertise. You will learn how to deal with clients and develop your skills as a businessperson so that when the time is right for you to launch your enterprise, you will better understand what it takes to succeed.


Franchising for experience

Franchising is a popular option for aspiring entrepreneurs looking to get their businesses up and running quickly. By joining an established franchise, you can access valuable resources that will help you jump-start your business. This includes guidance from experienced professionals in operational support, marketing assistance, and financial advice. Additionally, franchisors typically provide training and educational materials to help entrepreneurs get up to speed in the industry and develop their skills as business owners.

Franchising also allows entrepreneurs to leverage the brand’s existing reputation, which can be extremely helpful when it comes to gaining customers’ trust and establishing a foothold in the market. Furthermore, franchising eliminates many risks associated with starting a new business since most franchisors have already done much of the groundwork in product development, market research, customer service, etc.

By joining a franchise network, entrepreneurs will also benefit from shared marketing efforts, such as national campaigns or discounts they otherwise wouldn’t have access to if running an independent operation. Finally, by purchasing a franchise rather than starting a business from scratch, entrepreneurs can save time on getting everything set up correctly before opening their doors for business.


Reselling equipment can be a great way to enter profitable sectors such as manufacturing and construction. It offers the chance to purchase items at lower prices than their retail value, allowing entrepreneurs to resell them for a more significant profit. This method of business also reduces costs associated with production, as you can skip the creation process altogether and simply focus on selling pre-made items.

In addition, equipment reselling helps entrepreneurs capitalize on trends in these industries. By staying aware of what types of equipment are currently in demand and where the market is headed, you can purchase products that will have a greater likelihood of being resold quickly and at a higher price than their original cost.

For example, suppose there is an increasing demand for the latest machine vision systems in manufacturing due to their ability to automate processes and reduce labor costs. In that case, purchasing these systems ahead of time can allow an entrepreneur to make more money than they would otherwise by buying them when they are more expensive or out of stock.

Furthermore, reselling equipment gives entrepreneurs an advantage over those who manufacture or create their products since they don’t need to worry about the overhead costs associated with production, such as overhead costs from materials or labor. Additionally, if you’re working within certain sectors like construction or agriculture that require specific equipment, reselling provides access to those items without investing additional resources into researching and creating them yourself.

Final Thoughts

No matter which direction you decide, it’s essential to understand all the elements that go into owning and running a business. From researching available options to understanding the potential risks involved, going into business yourself requires careful consideration and proper planning. With hard work and dedication, however, owning your own business can be a gratifying experience — both financially and professionally and personally.

The Author

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