Preparing Your Home From The Storm

Planning for Survival: Facing a Storm

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Preparing Your Home From The StormStorms present dangers even after they’ve passed. To keep your family safe, you must have a good evacuation plan and a fair amount of preparation. The work doesn’t begin when you hear the news from the weatherman; you need a plan all year round. Here are some examples to help you:


Electricity is dangerous, especially if there is flooding or a leak in your roof. If you don’t know what to do in such emergencies, you run the risk of electrocution. To be safe, have a meeting with your family regarding what to do in case there’s a flash flood or a leak. Have a licensed electrician show you what to do. says they use circuit breaker tracer and other tools, so they can tell you what to do in case you have to cut the power to a room or the entire house.


If you have to get out of the house before or during a hurricane, you need to bring some food with you. You never know what will happen next, and food could be scarce or unavailable where you’re going. There are special packaged meals that last for several years if unopened. You can also pack some canned food, and don’t forget to include bottled water.

Preparing your house

Of course, it’s preferable to not leave your house, unless the authorities tell you to evacuate. Your house should withstand most weather disturbances. Always take the time to inspect your house for signs of damage or anything that might affect its sturdiness and safety. Replace or repair wherever applicable. Remember, a small leak in your roof is not going to stay small if a hurricane passes through.

Weathering a storm can sometimes lead to something more than most people can handle, but there is no reason not to think you can make it through if you are prepared. Follow this advice and always include your family in the planning.

The Author

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